The world is a shadow theatre, an opera and such thing is written large in its libretto.

是的 小夥伴們 我 脫團了 就在過機場安檢前的十分鐘 我接受了隔壁房間房友A桑的表白_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
這個故事告訴我們 不存在什麼人道主義。如果一個人在你回去晚了接你 吃飯帶你 去機場送你 你生病了給你拿藥 你不高興了給你丟表情包 你閑了跟你談笑風生防止你無聊 你趕作業跟你談笑風生防止你睡著 你三番五次拿刀架著這人他腦內是這首詩順勢拉著把你攬住告訴你太瘦了很病弱的樣子 現在各種招呼著替你弄VPN
內心強大了二十多年的你 還是接受這人吧 你的道德觀念不允許備這樣的胎。

「Yet look on me -- take not thine eyes away,
Which feed upon the love within mine own,
Which is indeed but the reflected ray
Of thine own beauty from my spirit thrown.
Yet speak to me -- thy voice is as the tone
Of my heart’s echo, and I think I hear
That thou yet lovest me; yet thou alone
Like one before a mirror, without care
Of aught but thine own features, imaged there;
And yet I wear out life in watching thee;
A toil so sweet at times, and thou indeed
Art kind when I am sick, and pity me.

by Percy Bysshe Shelley」


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